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Research and study visit to Berlin

Research and study visit to Berlin

At Locker & Riley we are often asked to recreate very specific sculptured architectural pieces from historical buildings, periods and styles. To ensure complete accuracy and faithful reproduction, our team regularly travel across the world on research and study visits.

We have visited Ottobeuren Abbey in Germany, studied the elaborate Baroque plasterwork at The Palace of Versaille and the stucco work of the Francini brothers at the historic Castletown & Russborough Houses in Ireland.

Most recently, Locker & Riley’s Directors and Sculpture team were delighted to accompany a leading British Architect to study some of the most beautiful Rococo architecture found at Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin.

+44 (0) 1245 322 022
+44 (0) 1245 322 033

Capital House, 42-50 Bancrofts Road,

South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford,

Essex, CM3 5UQ

Locker & Riley Limited No. 2726621 Locker & Riley International Limited No. 6904345